
Mirror server for Linux distributions repositories.
IPv4:   IPv6: 2803:3b80:f:2::dead:beef

Name Source Usage Sync freq.
Almalinux rsync://rsync.repo.almalinux.org/almalinux/ 1.33 TB Every 3h >01:30
Alpine Linux rsync://rsync.alpinelinux.org/alpine/ 2.73 TB Every 4h >00:40
Archlinux rsync://mirror.mia11.us.leaseweb.net/archlinux/ 101.8 GB Every 2h >00:15
Chaotic AUR Syncthing 75 GB Push
Debian rsync://mirror.mia11.us.leaseweb.net/debian/ 1.97 TB Every 3h >01:00
Debian CD rsync://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/ 230.8 GB 03:00, 17:00
Fedora & EPEL rsync://dl.fedoraproject.org/fedora-enchilada/ 5.38 TB Every 3h >00:40
Gentoo rsync://masterdistfiles.gentoo.org/gentoo/ 848.8 GB Every 4h >00:00
Kali Linux rsync://archive.kali.org/kali/ 966.5 GB Push
Kali Linux CD rsync://archive.kali.org/kali-images/ 184.8 GB 01:00, 13:00
Manjaro rsync://mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu/manjaro/ 183.4 GB Every 1h >00:00
Parrot Security rsync://rsync.parrot.sh/parrot/ 680.5 GB Every 4h >03:30
Raspbian (Raspberry Pi OS) rsync://archive.raspbian.org/archive/ 600.4 GB Every 6h >03:30
Rocky Linux rsync://msync.rockylinux.org/rocky/mirror/pub/rocky/ 1.25 TB Every 4h >01:15
Ubuntu rsync://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ 2.61 TB Every 6h >03:15
Ubuntu Releases rsync://mirror.hnd.cl/ubuntu-releases/ 41.7 GB 3:45, 15:45
TOTAL* 22.0 TB  

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Contact: info (at) elmirror.cl - Mastodon: @elmirrorcl@lile.cl

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